Welcome to the D4 Database!

This website is a wiki for the Bushiroad franchise D4DJ It's purpose is to provide easily accessible infortmation about D4DJ. Other sites about the fanchise have been too crowded for me, so I hope to keep this simplistic.


06/03/24 pt 2 since when did this game have so many characters wtf!!!! anywaysies i added ABCD or whatever theyre called and started working on the actual profiles for each character. I need to change the css for each page and add their interests and such. like smelling cats. i might get rid of the news thingy cuz thats too hard to keep updated

06/3/24 almost finished with the individual character pages, NOTE: i need to add the new xross beat and groovyfest 2 cards... + pages for the new group

05/21/24 redid the homepage!
