Kyoko Yamate


Kyoko is known for her cool personality. She is charistmatic and was born and raised in a musical family. She is strangely attracted to Happy Around's preformances, and becomes friends with Rinku that way. She has a strong bond with Shinobu and has admired her most of her life.


Kyoko is the leader of the group Peaky P-key. She has been a fan of Shinobu since childhood, and watched her from outside her window when she was young. She reffered to her as "the princess trapped in the house". She had wanted to form a unit with Shinobu in middle school but was only able to convince her on Christmas Eve of their first year.


Kyoko has wavy brown to blonde gradient hair that reaches a little bit past her shoulders.

Fun facts

She owns a German shepherd named Vevo.

Initial Cards

Event Cards

Campaign Cards

Permanent Cards

Limited Cards

Birthday Cards